VERSAMID® Liquid Polyamide Resins
Versamid® resins are reactive polyamide resins designed for use with solid or liquid epoxy resins to provide tough, chemical-resistant, thermoset coating applications that cure at room temperature. These materials also find use in adhesive applications.
Versamid® resins offer unique combinations of hardness and flexibility along with the highest chemical and solvent resistance of the dimer-based polyamide resin series.
Versamid® cured epoxy resin systems are recommended for applications such as:
- Joint sealants
- NSF potable water coatings
- Patching compounds
- Maintenance coating applications
- Primers
- High solids enamel paint formulations
Gabriel Performance Products
purchased the liquid epoxy curing agent product line from BASF in December
2015. The purchase included the manufacturing know-how, product specifications,
and the VERSAMID® tradename. These products are now manufactured by Gabriel.
Versamid 115 , Versamid 125 , Versamid 140 , Versamid 150
Please contact Seechem International, If you have any question.
BASF ( Former : Cognis ) 에 생산 , 판매되어온 Versamid 시리즈가 미국의 Gabriel Performance Chemical 에서 새롭게 출발하게 되었습니다. 본 제품에 대한 샘플 신청 및 구매는 (주)씨켐인터내셔날로 요청하여 주시면 최선을 다하여 진행하겠습니다.
전화 : 02-6241-200 / E-mail :