Versamid® 125
Versamid® 125 is a medium viscosity, reactive polyamide resin designed for use with solid or liquid epoxy resins for tough, chemical-resistant thermoset coating applications that cure at room temperature.
Key Features and Benefits:
- Excellent resistance properties and adhesion
Chemical Composition: Polyamide resin based on dimerized fatty acid and polyamines
Application Properties:
Versamid® 125 is a medium viscosity, reactive polyamide resin designed for use with solid or liquid epoxy resins for tough, chemical-resistant thermoset coating applications that cure at room temperature. This resin is also useful in adhesive applications. Versamid® 125 and epoxy resin systems are generally harder than and cure more rapidly than Versamid® 140 systems. It is often blended with Versamid® G 250 US, a fatty amido amine resin, to provide a range of viscosities, cure speeds and resistance properties. Versamid® 125 and epoxy resin systems are recommended for applications such as: maintenance coating applications, primers, enamel paint formulations.
Regulatory Status:
TSCA (USA), DSL (Canada), PICCS (Philippines), AICS (Australia), ENCS/MITI (Japan), IECSC (China), EINECS (EU)
Package, Storage, Handling:
Versamid® 125 may absorb moisture and carbon dioxide if left in open containers, which may result in an increased viscosity and some foaming when curing epoxy resins. Therefore, it should be kept in tightly closed containers when not in use and stored in a cool, dry place. Properly stored and protected, an unopened container of Versamid® 125 should have a shelf life of at least one year.
Gabriel Performance Products
purchased the liquid epoxy curing agent product line from BASF in December
2015. The purchase included the manufacturing know-how, product specifications,
and the VERSAMID® tradename. These products are now manufactured by Gabriel.
Please contact Seechem
International, If you have any question.
BASF ( Former : Cognis ) 에 생산 , 판매되어온 Versamid 시리즈가 미국의 Gabriel Performance Chemical 에서 새롭게 출발하게 되었습니다.
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